About Our Company

PT. Dika Data Securindo, which is an affiliation of DIKA COMPUTER SYSTEM - SURABAYA
was established in 1995 as a Hardware and Software supplier.Beginning in 2000,PT. Dika Data Securindo started to focus on Local and Wide Area Network Systems Design as well as Software Engineering and Communication Systems. And, hand in hand with METRONIC ENGINEERING Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia, we come to a new horizon, Building Management System (IBMS), to provide building automation services to Indinesia market.

PT. Dika Data Securindo, yang merupakan afiliasi dari DIKA COMPUTER SYSTEM - SURABAYA
didirikan pada tahun 1995 sebagai pemasok Hardware dan Software. Dimulai pada tahun 2000, PT. Dika Data Securindo mulai fokus pada Desain Sistem Jaringan Lokal dan Luas serta Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dan Sistem Komunikasi. Dan, bergandengan tangan dengan METRONIC ENGINEERING Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia, kami datang ke cakrawala baru, Management System (IBMS), untuk menyediakan layanan otomasi bangunan ke pasar Indinesia.

"kami siap memberikan yang terbaik untuk mitra kami"


Service 1
Public Services Transaction Base Total Solution System
Service 2
Management Tracking Device or Personal Total Solution System
Service 3
Mobile POS and Collection Total Solution System
Service 4
Management Community Member and Transaction with Security Total Solution System
Service 5
Payment cash , cashless and Security Gateway Total Solution System
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